Zardozi Embroidered Cats and Dog Ornaments
These unique Christmas decorations are made using the traditional method of zardozi embroidery.
Zari (meaning gold) embroidery originated in Persia and reached India in the 12th century.
It is a highly skilled embroidery technique that traditionally used gold wires and jewels to embellish courtly robes.
Here those same techniques are used to great effect in producing fine Christmas ornaments.
There are a limited number of such skilled artisans today who can create these challenging pieces.
We are delighted to be able to offer them to you to enliven your Christmas tree this year.
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Feisty, Self-assured, Independent, Alert, Playful, Quick are all words appropriate to this delighful breed.
Ornament is @ 3.75 wide by 3,25 inches high
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Made in India in the workshop of Afnan Mirza
A cheerful bulldog indeed with his red and gold decoration
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All he needs is a firetruck to sit on but till then he can grace your tree.
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In honor of the Queen Elizabeth's II favorite pet, our Corgi decoration sports a red crown. Ornament is @ 4 inches high
IN STOCK again
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Ornament is @ 3 inches H x 4 1/4 inches W
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A cheerful addition to your holiday decor who will always be happy on your tree.
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If you remember far enough back you had Dick and Jane with their dog Spot as a reading primer so in their memory I'm calling this ornament Spots. See Spots hang.
Hang spots hang.
White Scottie with Tartan | $18.00
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A perky Scottie with a tartan coat and red collar to brighten your Christmas tree. Ornament is @ 4 inches wide